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Welcome Greg!

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We appreciate your valuable time to introduce ourselves.

Sustainability is an important issues on college campuses.

We'd love just 30 minutes of your time for a Zoom call to let you know how the Loadrite system can give you a distinct advantage over other weight measurement systems. We promise to brief but very informative. No high-pressure sales.

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Key topics we'll cover:

  • System Overview & Capabilities

  • The Insight HQ System

  • Bottomline Savings

  • Student Involvement

We've got the perfect solution for you!

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Loadrite solutions helps optimize your business. Loadrite garbage truck scales allow you to track the weight of every bin, giving you the data to bring your business to new heights. All of this while maximizing every truckload. Paired with Loadrite reporting software you can track the tons of waste produced by customer, allowing you to accurately estimate the cost per customer.

Insight HQ
pulls the entire
system all
together in
one place.

Track and plan every single step of your process and prepared to be shocked at the savings it generates!

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Pulling it all together is what we do.


The Loadrite E2750 weighing system offers accurate and reliable weighing of every bin emptied with a rear lift refuse truck. It can be installed on most makes and models, is easy to use and maintain. The E2750 automatically measures the net weight of the bin as it is emptied. The bin weight and other information can be sent electronically to a separate on-board computer or route management system, transmitted to the InsightHQ cloud data management tool, or printed in the truck using the optional Loadrite printer.

Let us tell you more!

Just select a day and time that works for you and we'll hop on a Zoom call to give your an informative view of the sustainability space and how our approach can help you maximize all of your campus efforts!

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