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L5000 Loader Scale

L2180  L3180   L2150   Force    LR360

L5000 Wheel Loader Scale

LP950 In-Cab Printer


Your Golden Ticket 


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Stay on top of every load with accurate weight data using the powerful L5000 wheel loader scale and the LP950 In-Cab Printer. With a modern and easy-to-use interface, built-in connectivity, and best-in-class weighing, you can maximize every load with instant access to accurate time-stamped data you can count on A.KA. your ‘Golden Ticket.’

Here’s 3 ways you can get your ‘Golden Ticket’


  1. Print In Cab: Say goodbye to writing down load data. Instead, print accurate weight data directly in your cab. 

  2. In-House Printer: With a click of a button, send your ticket to the in-house printer or scale house. 

  3. Email: Prefer information digitally? Send your load ticket via email to the required recipients. 

Loader Guy in excavator

Performance made simple.

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Intuitive Interface

Simple user interface for easier operation, enabling the operator to concentrate on what they do best: loading trucks. 

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Night Mode

The best performance, anytime! The L5000 screen is just as clear and easy to read at night as it is during the day. 

L500 Product Demo
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On Device User Manual

No need to go chasing down a user's manual, get all your questions answered quickly right on the device itself. 

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Superior Accuracy

The most accurate loader weighing system on the market, offering precise weighing in more conditions. 






Bigger Screen


Multi-Touch Control


On-Device Performance Metric


90 Day Transaction History

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Related Products:


With built-in WiFi and GPS, the L5000 is InsightHQ ready. Get production and performance metrics clearly presented in a simple dashboard. Visualize activity in real time or play back the shift to improve productivity. See daily totals or totals per loader to track progress against targets and take action. With customizable transaction reports you can get a summary as well as detailed transactions for each customer. Access your real time stockpile inventory from your smart device anywhere, anytime. 

"Golden Ticket" : Ticket your way

Ticket the way that works for your operation. Get a hard copy printed directly from the loader or send the load ticket to a remote printer at the gate to collect on departure. * Digitize your tickets and never lose one again with eTickets. Send load tickets or load summaries directly to any email address, removing the need for truck drivers to exit the cab and enabling faster truck turnaround. 


*Requires an LP950 for in-cab printing and LG500 Gateway for remote printing 

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Intuitive Interface
&  Superior Accuracy

The L5000 has a 7-inch high-resolution display that is 40% bigger than the L3180. This means you can see more information and details on the screen and enjoy a clearer and sharper view of your loading tasks. ​The L5000 is designed to make the loading experience more convenient, efficient, and enjoyable.


Ground slope compensation and digital sensing technology provide superior weighing accuracy that is the best in the market.



eTickets sends load information to any email, reducing the need for truck drivers to leave the cab while on site, and get back on the road quicker. eTickets can send a midday delivery update to the site foreman’s email for accurate and transparent materials delivery information.


Real-Time Performance Monitoring

The L5000 has a built-in Wi-Fi and cellular function that makes it easy to connect to the InsightHQ cloud portal and reduces the upfront cost as well. With InsightHQ, our customers can enjoy features like e-tickets, production, and performance tracking, and transaction reports for invoice preparation or audit record keepings.

Truck fueling up

Ticket at Gate

A contactless alternative to deliver printed tickets by sending the load tickets directly from the loader cab to a remote printer where the truck driver can collect a hard copy on departure. Ticket at Gate workflows save time and improve site safety by eliminating the practice of truck drivers exiting their trucks to collect the ticket from the loader. Requires the LG500 Gateway.


Legal for Trade certification saves money and facilitates easy invoicing by effectively transforming the loader into a mobile weighbridge, especially valuable for mobile or remote sites. It can also enable trucks to bypass the weighbridge for lower-cost operations and faster truck turnaround. Available in the EU and UK.

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